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My Account & Login

How to download and install DA trader?

a. What is Welcome page?

The Welcome page is the first page you can see when you login. You can open live account, read latest notification pushed by Direct Access and visit Direct Access Support page.

b. Account Overview

You can check your current account on this page. If you don't have an live account, you can click "OPEN A LIVE ACCOUNT" to start application procedure. You can also open a DEMO account on this page.

c. Transfer

You can check your available fund on your connected account and manage fund transfer on this page.

d. Trades Inquiry

On this page, you can view the details and summary of your transaction records. For trades details, you can enter corresponding conditions in the criteria area to get more customized results.

e. Open Position

On this page, you can view your currently opened products. You can enter corresponding conditions in the criteria area to get more customized results.

d. Statements

On this page, you can download transaction statements for any date or time period

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地址:珊顿路 4 号,#04-06,新交所中心 2,新加坡 068807


电话:+65 63799415

DA Financial Service (S) Pte. Ltd.是经新加坡金融管理局授权的持牌法团(许可证号 CMS101371),提供全球期货经纪服务。

©2023 by DA Financial Service (S) Pte. Ltd. 

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